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9.2 MTR results analysis
Posted by on 27 May 2016 03:19 PM


Analyzing WinMTR / MTR output, the most important is: packet loss and latancy.


First of all, you need to pay attention on packet loss. 

When you find packet loss on any nodes, it might mean this particular routing node may has some problem.


However, some service providers have restrict to WINMTR / MTR tool sending an ICMP transmission.

It causes illusion on packet loss but actually there is no packet loss. 

To prove that packet loss you see is not caused by the restrict from the service providers, 
you can view the last-hop on the post. If it shows 0%, then you can confirm

it is just restrict for ICMP, not actual packet loss.


For example:


In this case, the loss from the first hop to the second one is may due to the routing restrict to ICMP.
Because the other eight routing nodes show 0%, we can take this as its actual packet loss rate.


Another example for comparison:


In this case, 60% packet loss between the third and fourth one, then you can assume
that this is caused by the routing device restrictions. However, you still can see the last-hop shows
40% loss, which means it did have some problem.

Based on two different loss results, we always take the packet loss rate of the last-hop as actual rate.


Some packet loss may occur on returned transmission. Sometimes packets can reach the destination correctly
but do not return successfully. In this situation, it will be counted in the loss ratio. Therefore it is difficult to 
distinguish from your WinMTR / MTR results report.

That is the reason why You need to collect two directions WinMTR / MTR report on the results.


If you want to know more about MTR:


WinMTR test results Glossary

Copy Text to clipboard - copy the results to the clipboard as text

Copy HTML to clipboard - copy the results to the clipboard in HTML format

Export TEXT - Export results in text form

Export HTML - Export results to HTML form

Options - Settings

Hostname: each node to the destination server host name or IP to go through.

Nr: After the number of nodes

Loss%: ping packet reply to the percentage of failures;
    which can determine which node (line) fails, the room where the server or international trunk routes.

Sent: The number of packets have been transmitted.

Recv: the number of packets successfully received.

Best: minimum response time.

Avrg: the average response time.

Worst: the maximum response time.

Last: The last packet response time.


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